Sadiqq Abdullah


Sadiqq holding a steak from Philly

It all started in Philly. I grew up with family and friends that loved me. The love I received protected and steered me toward greatness. Decades later, my greatest roles are being a husband and father. My roots influenced my route in life.

Read about me | Personally


Sadiqq speaking at church

I'm a proselyte to the Christian faith. The foundation for my life comes from my faith in Christ. My faith keeps me grounded and devoted to everyone that I cherish. I currently serve as a member of the pastoral staff at South Potomac Church.

Read about me | Spiritually


Sadiqq standing outside of an office in DC

In some capacity, the work that I do comes down to people and technology. I have developed and managed custom solutions in support of customers for several years. Most recently, I have served as a manager over 9 projects with 57 direct reports.

Read about me | Professionally